Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1st Moby-Dick Blogging Assignment: Loomings

Your assignment is to create a novel in the same style and with a similar structure of moby-dick.

So in general, you need to write with a narrator in the first person who pursues a goal through a journey.  (Which is pretty much every story ever.)

But for your first chapter you should identify some key features of your story and your narrator:

-His or her goal

-The nature of the journey

     -For Melville, the nature of the journey has a larger significance, and works with the goal.

-Key elements of the character's personality

You can try to make the structure and feel of your novel very similar to MD or you can go off on your own tangent.  As long as you meet the qualifications above, you are good. 

Topically, you can choose whatever you want.  Make the assignment your own. 

You can always go back and tweak your earlier chapters if you want to make some changes along the way. 

Somewhere around 500 words.

And, of course, your piece should begin with "Call me ...."

You are going to be graded on the following criteria (30 points):

    (10) Meet the structural qualifications for the post listed above

     (10) Effective and engaging story

     (10) Writing mechanics, attention to detail, overall effort

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