Thursday, February 2, 2012

Whaling Webquest Group Activity

Day 1--Gather
Form groups
1. whale ships--tools, ship layout, dimensions, tool functions
2. whaling people--captains, crew, social dynamics, stories, examples of figures, racial/economic makeup
3. whale creatures--whales, behavior, size, population size, strategies for hunting, products made from whales
4. whaling procedures--hunting method, boiling down, stowing; pre 19th century whaling
Collect facts--with each member of the group, find as much information you can an copy and paste it into a Google Doc shared to each group member and myself.
You’re essentially taking notes.
You will need to CITE YOUR SOURCES OF INFORMATION. So note where your stuff comes from.

Please draw from the following websites FIRST:

Your notes will be due on the designated day.

Day 2--Analysis
-Meet with your group and assign roles for the presentation.
-Each presentation must include
-3-4 concise slides about your topics

-1 slide that attempts to answer the following question: If Melville has chosen whaling as a metaphor for the story as a whole, what kind of ideas and themes will be present in the story based on your research? What is a “whaling story?”
-1 slide that answers the following question: Do these practices and background remind you of any business or enterprise today? Briefly, what and why?
-1 slide that presents “The Manliest thing that you found about whaling.”
(6-7 slides in total)

Day 3--Presentation
-A 6-7 minute presentation of your Google Presentation.
-Each group member must speak

/15 Facts are well chosen; there is depth to the topic given; multimedia is used effectively
/15 Analysis questions are answered thoughtfully and creatively
/10 Presentation is organized, clear, thoughtful; there are no grammatical or carelesss mistakes

40 points total

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